🏫 Internship phase 2🏫

 Week 6 

Our 6 th week has started. πŸ”¬The Science clubπŸ”¬ conducted an assembly related with "Chandrayan Day".🌝

A Science exhibition was also organised  by high school students during this week.

A Camp programme, Little Kite "πŸ•️ was organised in our school. A lot of students took part in this programme.

We made numbers to the library books that arrived last week. 

The social service club in association with NSS conducted a program to collect mid day meal 🍱from each student and was distributed in the TB hospital, puthiyakaavu. πŸ₯

A still model competition was also conducted for lp, up and high school section. Students from class 6A and 7B won the prizes. πŸ₯‡πŸ…πŸ₯‰


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