🧠🪅A workshop on Stress Management 🎎🪅

20th October 2022 JBMCTE KAYAMKULAM has conducted a one day webinar on " A workshop on stress management". The class was taken by Dr. Rosamma Philip, Principal of Mount Tabor Training College Pathanapuram. The talk was conducted via google meet. This session started with a prayer. Then our principal Rekha miss delivered the presidential address. The class was very interesting and informative. Teacher shared a lot of experiences that come up with. Those experiences gave us encouragement to move on with more enthusiasm and confidence. It was really helpful in this busy schedule of studies and works. Also teacher gave tips to improve memorization capacity and time management skills. It was conducted as part of the capacity building programme on the basis of psychology subject. Miss take the class very effectively and it influenced us a lot and give much encouragement to improve ourselves. After this few people among us talk about the stress management between the diffe...